Take Action: Stop EcoEnergy's Land Grab in Bagamoyo, Tanzania Mark Curtis & Richard Mbunda -- 18 Mar 2015
Our Natural World is Disappearing. We Have to Save it: George Monbiot, The Guardian (opinion piece) -- 28 Jun 2018 "The creatures we feared our grandchildren wouldn’t see have vanished. It’s happened faster than even pessimists predicted."
Stop the Exploitation of Amazonian Peoples and Their Land! 2019 is the UN International Year of Indigenous Languages, more than half of which are currently endangered. The critical risks confronting indigenous peoples hold up a mirror to encroachment tactics, often couched in a “development ideology” which commodifies the environment and, in so doing, overrides the wisdom of ancient cultures bonded to a living and spiritually imbued milieu.
PLANT’s message to the Vatican Synod on Amazonia addresses just one of these major risks, namely, the reduction of ancient and unique eco-systems to merely “environmental services” for carbon trading. The traditional peoples who are inseparable from these eco-systems, are expected to become enabling servants of such schemes. What is happening in the Amazonian Region is happening in every endangered eco-system on every continent where vulnerable peoples are most affected.
Our aim is to add 2,680 signatures to the statement -- a symbolic number, which corresponds to the estimated number of endangered indigenous languages worldwide. Please join us in this effort of solidarity with our Amazonian sisters and brothers!
English Version of the Statement with resources Here Sign On to the Statement in English Here Em Português Aqui Por favor, espalhe e assine a mensagem para o Sínodo Aqui