75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 10 Dec 2023 An ideal in the making.
A promise overheard in the cries out of the ghettos and migration coffin ships, and which swells the yearnings for a more hope-filled tomorrow. The victims, whose ashen faces, and drowned voices -- even if only through one partial remaining script of body part -- are so incarnated into us, forever imprinted on the pilgrimage signposts throughout our history.
The soul of humanity in its multi- (uni-) versal and ongoing creational struggle, where horizons keep enticing towards an infinite beyond. An ever-expanding, majestic otherness -- named as sacred goodness and called by fleeting names and images, in multitudes of cultural cradles of meaning. It is alive in many meandering memories which speak through us, and often, in spite of ourselves. A spark, immortal and just, a sacred love, a silent otherness shining through ages of reverential awe.
75 years, and so many tears over lives lost and broken, in tracing Human Rights standards across the world. Their aspirations are continuously enlarged, deepened, cherished, and proclaimed anew, especially through the humble hopes of the very vulnerable among us.
It is a planetary call, from the eco-human pulse, which echoes far beyond the mindless plunder of precious resources in a quest for pleasure, profit, and ego maniacal power. The soul/spirit cry won’t ever be stifled in its prophetic and life-giving energy.
Gratefully present -- All Of Us, because the call for Human Rights will continue to be heard. ... PLANT - 10 December 2023